Welcome to the Knightmare Lexicon. This system
is designed to be a centre point for any
Knightmare related information. You may think of
it as a Knightmare Encyclopædia or Dictionary.
Though in many ways it is more like a Knightmare
wiki in that people
with an interest in Knightmare like yourself
may add entries to the database for others
to find. Likewise if there's a piece of information
you're looking for on Knightmare then in thef
future it's very likely you'll be able to find
it here. For the system to be a success it relies
on each and every member of the community
providing as much information as possible. Enjoy!
As Treguard and Pickle sail back to England with the Holy Grail, they find the country being ravaged by a series of sorcerous storms that have injured many villagers. After a puzzling encounter with a strangely familiar old man, they make their way to Knightmare Castle with a little help from Brother Mace. But the castle has been seized by Lord Fear in their absence, and he challenges Treguard to reclaim it.